Project areas

Gollwitz-Havel Polder Area


The damming of the Havel by the Mühlendamm in Brandenburg around 1,200 AD, resulted in extensive waterlogging and bogging of the floodplains above the dammed areas. The Havel water level was raised (JESSEL et al. 2006: 290) and widespread swamps resulted (0.3 to 2 m) in the low-lying areas. The greatest interventions in the water management of the low-lying areas were then undertaken in the 20th century. Flooding from the Havel was limited by the construction of dykes. Dyke construction in the lowlands of the Middle Havel was associated with the construction of pumping stations from 1924 onwards; more efficient dykes were constructed from 1950 onwards (GALL 2007). In the 1970s/80s, further drainage measures were undertaken by the Meliorationsgenossenschaft (land improvement associations) (see GALL 2007), which led to profound changes in the peatland soils.

Today, the Havel water level is clearly above ground level in central parts of the study area. When there is excess water, waterlogging often occurs in the study area, especially in the winter months and after heavy rainfall events, mainly because the peat soils are so compact. The excess precipitation is unable to infiltrate the soil. The surface water is sometimes significantly higher than the water level of the channel. The channel water level is lowered through the operation of the pumping station, and the surface water remains on the surface until spring, weather permitting.

The Gollwitz-Havel project area is characterised by large areas of arable land use.


Hydrological measurements at six groundwater monitoring sites and one surface water monitoring site
Mapping of the avifauna
Consultations with users


Establishment of utilisation chains
Specific business analysis with regard to the need for adaptation for individual agricultural enterprises
Information event for owners


This section contains the presentations and the event note of the early information event for owners in the Gollwitz-Havel polder project area on 26.08.2022.


Please refer to the table for the completion status of the task using this Link.
Completion of project modules 1. and 2. is planned for 2022 and 2023. The project modules listed below are to follow:

  1. Validation of the development scenarios
  2. Approval procedure
  3. Project implementation